Acupuncture Helps Cold and Flu Symptoms
Woman Sneezing
Tips for Staying Healthy:
- Consume 8-10 glasses of filtered water daily
- Exercise regularly to support the immune system
- Eat a healthy, organic diet, including foods with beta-carotene (carrots, broccoli, sweet potatoes, garlic, and tomatoes)
- Limit sugar intake. Sugar taxes the immune system, especially when feeling under the weather
- Take Vitamin C and herbs to support the immune system, especially in the “cold and flu” season
- Get plenty of rest
- Enjoy fun and relaxing activities
- Stimulate specific acupuncture points that support Wei Qi
- Schedule regular acupuncture treatments to support the body’s self-regulating, self-balancing and healing systems
Acupuncture, The Flu, and You
Research studies suggest that acupuncture helps cold and flu by decreasing your risk of getting a cold or the flu in the first place. So getting acupuncture as prevention for colds and the flu is a good idea, especially this winter season. Then if you do get sick with one, acupuncture can also help manage your symptoms and support faster healing including shortening the length of the illness.
You’re probably aware that germs, bacteria, and viruses are everywhere in our environment. They are in our food, the water, and the air. But according to Chinese Medicine, the germs are not what cause disease. Illness happens when particular systems in your body become weak and out of balance. When your body is in this vulnerable state, it creates a welcoming environment for germs, bacteria, and viruses to thrive, leading to a cold or the flu.
Acupuncture is part of the Traditional Chinese Medicine System. It works when the practitioner identifies the relevant imbalances in your body’s systems, then rebalances those systems. This process stimulates your body’s natural healing abilities and recharges your immune system.
One main theory supporting the use of acupuncture to prevent and treat colds and the flu is the concept of Wei Qi.
What is this thing called Wei Qi?
Wei Qi is similar in concept to the Western bio-medical immune system. Wei Qi works as a barrier to protect and defend the body from attack by foreign elements, which can lead to the development of illness and disease. When Wei Qi is abundant and strong, we are healthy. When the amount of Wei Qi decreases and becomes weak, our health is compromised and we become vulnerable to infections.
Most of the time we are resilient enough to recover quickly and regain our health. But when we are bombarded with numerous exposures, our body’s internal protection mechanisms become compromised and weakened. That is to say, our Wei Qi gets depleted, and we get sick. By the time illness happens, our body’s self-regulating, self-balancing and healing abilities have already been diminished.
Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine support and help to strengthen the self-healing systems of the body that contribute to the production of Wei Qi. This helps rebalance and rebuild the power of the immune system and stimulate Wei Qi energy. When Wei Qi is abundant and freely flowing throughout the body, the body’s self-balancing and healing systems become strong again. This increases their ability to effectively fight off infections.
In addition to the effectiveness of Acupuncture and Chinese medicine, they are also drug-free, safe, and natural ways to support the body’s self-regulating, self-balancing and healing systems. When illnesses do happen, acupuncture can help get you back on track faster, shortening the course of an illness with limited or no use of medication and over-the-counter drugs.