Sleep – a sensational state of mind in darkness

‘Sleep’ is the essential part of any living beings on this earth.  Everything sleeps at a particular time and or period and is inbuilt in biological programs of body in congruent with organic form of life.  Plants, trees, insects, worms, animals and mankind all are having this quality rather habit of ‘sleep’ and consumes almost one quarter of their life in ‘sleeping’ status.  Ironically, mankind does not give enough attention and care to the status of ‘sleeping’ in other word the ‘unconscious nature or state’ of life.   Instead we give as much as importance to ‘awaken or conscious nature or state’ of life.  Since it is a natural occurrence and effected due to the tiredness of nerves and muscles, we human beings leave this entire stage to the natural process and mystery

Multi-Directional Sleep Number Bed Designed For Good Night Sleep

By Abraham Varghese On the marketplace today there are a number of differing types of sleep number beds. For example there are both horizontal or multi-directional sleep systems, each possessing its own exceptional qualities and benefits. But, when it comes to the thorough support of your body for right spine alignment, multi-directional design is the best.

New Age Dawning: Breathe Well, Sleep Well, Age Well

Sleep May Not Be the Number One Factor In staying Young and Healthy “Early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.” This short proverb can be traced as far back as 1496, and even earlier if you count all its variations. It seems that people have always understood the necessity of a good night’s sleep, but these days quality sleep has become a luxury rather than a necessity. But going without sleep may not be so easy since it’s not something your body can easily do without.